What started as a great idea for marijuana brownies edibles turned to tragedy when I wasted almost 10 grams of weed following someone’s recipe. I spent a week in the kitchen and fixed this recipe and now offer to you a premier marijuana brownies recipe from scratch, that will surely have your friends coming back for more.
Marijuana Brownies Recipe
I simply looked at the problem with the marijuana brownies recipe and then devised a solution, prior to wasting any more weed. What I came up with was this awesome pot brownies recipe sensation.
This method of brownie baking is a bit more detailed, so, if you were looking for the pot brownie box-mix. This ain’t it. For those die-hard brownie bakers who think you have to add whole processed chocolate or old Easter candy you found in a forgotten drawer somewhere, think again. Processed chocolate has added milled sugars that you really don’t want when making the ultimate weed brownie. We want our brownies dense, smooth and very chocolatey.
Brownies have to have two common components. 1. They have to have a crackled, candy-like top; 2. They have to be dense and fudgy… like a good nug.
Marijuana Brownies Recipe Exposed
The real secret to a great brownie recipe is using cocoa (Dutch preferably) and well made cannabutter.
Please read through the instructions list. Print and take with you to the grocery store if need be. But don’t start this recipe without all ingredients on hand.
Tip: I can’t stress enough the importance of parchment paper when baking. No additional buttering or spraying synthetics onto your pan, no flour dusting either. As well, be certain to purchase “unbleached parchment paper”. I’ve posted some links for you below.
Now then, for you foolhardy souls who want to get baked baking, lets get started:

Marijuana Brownies Incredible Edible
Recipe Description:
Marijuana brownies recipe for those who love a dense, fudgy brownie and need an edible to medicate.
- Prep Time: 25 min
- Cook Time: 30 min
- Total Time: 55 min
- Recipe Serves: 24
- Recipe Yield: 24 Pieces
Equipment Needed:
- Large heatproof glass bowl
- Small pot (to simmer water)
- Wooden spoon
- 8″ x 8″ baking pan
- 2 10″ x 10″ pieces of parchment paper
Ingredients Needed:
- 3/4 Cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 1/4 Cups white sugar
- 1/2 Teaspoon instant coffee (or 1 tbls cold coffee)
- 11 Tablespoons of Cannabutter
- 1/4 Teaspoon sea-salt
- 1/2 Teaspoon pure Vanilla extract
- 2 Extra large Eggs
- 1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour
Marijuana Brownie Recipe Directions:
- Move an oven rack to the middle rack. Preheat your oven to 325°
- Place the first piece of parchment paper in the 8×8 pan. You’ll notice the other sides are bare. Place your other piece of parchment paper in the pan which will then cover all sides. Parchment paper makes it simple to remove from the pan… you’ll see.
- Fill your simmering pan halfway with water and heat to a low simmer. We are using this to melt the butter mixture in the following step.
- In your large heatproof glass bowl, combine the sugar, cocoa and salt thoroughly. Next, add in the cannabutter and combine as well you can.
- Set the glass bowl over the simmering pot of water. Stir until the butter has melted and the ingredients have melted well. Remove the bowl from the pot and turn off the heat to the simmering water pot. Let the mixture cool down a tad, but not too cool. It has to be very warm to the touch.
- Add in the Vanilla and stir. Now add in the eggs stirring constantly. The batter should look very shiny at this point.
- Add in the flour. Stir well enough until you can’t see the flour in the mix.
- Place the gooey mess into the 8×8 pan and spread evenly. It often helps to wet the spatula or wooden spoon so the mixture doesn’t stick.
- Bake 25 – 30 minutes (all ovens are different). Test with a toothpick. When the marijuana brownies are ready, the toothpick will be just slightly moist when pulled out of mix.
- Remove from the oven and immediately remove from the 8×8 pan. You should be able to grasp the corners of the parchment paper to remove the marijuana brownies and place on a cooling tray. The objective here is to stop/minimize the cooking process.
- Let cool. Cut, serve… medicate.
Recipe Notes:
Edibles are different than smoking in that the patient won’t get the benefits of medical marijuana straight away. This is how some people use more than they should to self-medicate.
Make the Best Marijuana Brownies With These Products:
When using marijuana brownies be sure you DO NOT smoke first. Keep a clear head so you know and understand your high and what the effects are from this edible. Every patient is different so please, know your limits and stay within them.